No-code website magic

Alexandra Maksimova

January 18, 2022

The question is not why you need a website, the question is how to make one, and we will dissect just some of the ways you can make that possible:

In essence you can go two ways about a website:

  1. Coding a website
  2. Building a low-code/no-code website

Coding a website is what we most often think about, when someone mentions website creation: hours spent by IT-wizards, lines of constantly breaking code, and the website somehow never matching the initial design. This method is outdated, to put it mildly and it costs a fortune too. 

The low-code/no-code website building is a relatively new concept but its already rapidly gaining popularity. Some even go as far as calling it the future of coding and website building. And the popularity is well-deserved: building a low-code/no-code website requires little to no training and preparation, is usually much more affordable than hiring a developer, quicker and the end result is often much more close to the design ideas than if it was coded. Low-code/no-code platforms for building are much more friendly to users without professional website building experience, hence the name: no-code.

This isn’t an article about coding, so we will go into more detail about how to create a website without coding: how you can do it yourself, who to hire if you want to outsource it, or maybe it's a better idea to delegate it to an agency altogether? How does one really build a website without code?

  1. Building it yourself. 
  • Creating a website without coding yourself is certainly an option, absolutely no shame for people to go down this route: you have complete control over the project, only you have the unique vision of the project, it’s cost effective and you don't need to worry about the hiring process or the deadlines. A big downside of this approach is of course the fact that even the easiest no-code website builders still require time to master, with no guarantee of results, and the fact that someone more qualified can do this much quicker and much more efficiently than you. Nevertheless, if you are just starting out and need a simple and quick website, this is probably the best way to go. 

Here are some services you can use to make your own no-code websites:

  • WIX: probably everyone heard of the no-code website-builder giant WIX, the leader amongst low-code/no-code platforms, offering dozens of templates, examples and a relatively easy-to-use interface, allowing you to get your website up and running within a matter of hours.
  • Squarespace: a more design-focused and sophisticated solution among the no-code platforms available, nevertheless, it works and allows users to build great websites on their own with little to no experience.
  • Webflow: like you will see later, its not only possible to build your own websites on Webflow independently, but its also possible to hire an agency to do that for you. Webflow no-code does require a slight amount of coding so its considered to be a bit more of a technical solution, yet one many resort to, on their website-building journey, Webflow no-code will not disappoint. 

  1. Hiring a freelancer.
  • Hiring a freelancer through one of the freelance platforms like Upwork or Fiverr is quick and easy, and internal systems provide buyer protection and a relative satisfaction guarantee. You need to be careful, however, when it comes to hiring a freelancer outside of these platforms: there is often no way to sign a physical contract, prove that a person has certain skills or make sure that the freelancer keeps a deadline. 
  • Some negatives of hiring freelancers is this exact reason: unreliability. If something happens to a particular freelancer, there is no-one behind them to ensure that someone else completes your task.

  1. Working with an agency.
  • The most reliable and secure option, for businesses that can afford to outsource their website-building needs. And nowadays, its possible to hire an agency that makes either a coded website, or a no-code website, such as the ones Green Pixel makes for their clients: quick and easy webflow no-code websites. Agencies make the hiring process as smooth as possible because they are the ones assigning employees to your project based on your unique needs and wants, ensuring that the work gets done on time and up to standard. Agencies also have a more solid reputation and client base, so the work has a quality guarantee and what you see is what you get. Additionally, when working with an agency, there is less micromanaging involved, as many projects are overseen and controlled by a project manager.
  • The only real negative that some companies find when working with agencies is affording it. This quality guarantee, team of professionals certainly comes at a cost. However, if this is looked at from the perspective of profit, all businesses know that a well-made website will earn you more money than it will cost, if it's designed well. Its an investment for a successful business, as it will convey information about you, and for many businesses also sell their products.

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